One Day At A Time...5/14/2020 Idea: Be faithful to the task that God has called you to today. Matthew 6:34 (CSB): Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Let me ask you a you have too much or too little time in your day? Unfortunately, many people (myself included) feel as though there is too much to do and not enough time to do it. However, the truth is that you don’t have too much or too little time in a day. You have 24 hours and its all about how you use it. When I choose to play video games, there are an infinite number of other things that I could be doing but am not doing. The same goes for you. When you choose to read this devotion, you are choosing to not do a number of other things that you could be doing in the few minutes that this will take you. You have 24 hours in a day and therefore, you must prioritize your day. Sadly, I fear that some may get so focused on what comes tomorrow rather than being focused on today. We become overly concerned with how something is going to playout a year down the road and miss out on what’s happening today. When we become consumed with tomorrow, we miss God’s blessings for today. So, what is before you? What do you need to focus on for today? I encourage you to focus on the task(s) that God has laid before you for today. Be faithful, today, to his calling and tomorrow will take care of itself. For Reflection… -How do you view your time? Do you have too much or too little of it? Why? -What has God called you to do today? How are you going to answer that call? -Pray and thank God the blessings of today. Ask him to focus your attention on the tasks at hand for today. Worrying about tomorrow will rob you of today’s joy and blessings.
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