Infinitely More...5/10/2020 Idea: God’s character & power is greater than we can imagine. Ephesians 3.20-21 (CSB): Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us— (21) to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Devotion: For the most part, I am not a numbers guy. However, I have become much more able to work with numbers in the last five years. One of the things that peaks my interest about numbers is that they do not end. Literally, the number of real numbers is infinite. In fact, the largest number with a name is Googolplex (Give it a Google). It is a 1 followed by 100 zeros! I have seen the number written out and still cannot fully comprehend its magnitude. In a similar way, how God works is much more amazing and powerful than we can ever imagine. In today’s passage, Paul had just finished writing out a prayer for spiritual power for the Ephesians (3.14-19). Paul got so excited at the end of the prayer that he broke out in a moment of praise. He realized that God could do much more than he asked him to do and he was prompted to praise. Know that we serve a God who has abilities and power that we cannot comprehend or even imagine! His glory will be seen through all things and through his church...his glory will be shown through your life and my life. God is infinitely greater than we can ever imagine. He is infinitely good, wise, loving, and present. Embrace him today. For Reflection… -Read Ephesians 3.14-19 and list the things that Paul prayed for the Ephesian church. -The things you listed...Are those things present in your life? Do you want them to be present in your life? Why or why not? -How would explain God’s power and majesty to a friend? -Pray and thank God for his power, majesty, and character. Pray that God would give you spiritual power in all aspects in your life. The infinite God cannot by us, in the present limitation of our faculties, be comprehended or conceived.
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