Greatly Blessed4/4/2020 Main Idea: God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Ephesians 1.7 (CSB): Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ. Devotion: When you think of “being blessed”, what do you think about? Do you think of money? Better stuff? Fame? Or do you think about the blessings God has given us in Christ—blessings that can never be stolen? Unfortunately, many people think that we are blessed by the size of our bank account, ease of life, amount of stuff, level of fame, and other things of the like. However, God has revealed that true blessings are found in the heavenly realms. Take a moment and read Ephesians 1.1-13 and count the number of times you read “In Christ” or “In Him” (You may find other similar phrases, too.) You’ll discover that our blessings are found in Christ before they are found in bank accounts, stuff, fame, and etc. Know that you are a greatly blessed child of God in Christ Jesus! The question becomes: “How are we blessed in Christ?” The editors of the CSB Study Bible noted of today’s verse that “these blessings include our union with Christ; being seated with him in the heavenlies; and our adoption, redemption, and election.” Friend, regardless of what you may feel or experience in this life, the reality is that you are blessed beyond measure. You can go without the newest iPhone, PS4/XBOX, Nike tennis shoes, and more. But you cannot go without the blessings that are found in Christ Jesus. For Reflection... -How do you define “being blessed?” -Do you consider yourself to be blessed? Why or why not? -Do you agree that we “cannot go without the blessings that are found in Christ”? Why or why not? -Pray and ask God to help you recognize the blessings that you have been given in Christ. Every hour of every day God is richly blessing us; both when we sleep and when we wake His mercy waits upon us. -C. H. Spurgeon
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